How to Lose Weight in Just One Week | Simple Tips to Lose Fat Fast

How to Lose Weight in Just One Week | Simple Tips to Lose Fat Fast

If you start his playing today you'll be flattered by next Friday you'll easily finish that dress we were talking about earlier.

So the first step it is plan is to do elimination :

So what are the foods you're going to eliminate, So we're gonna be wanting to eliminate most process carbohydrates sugars and starches all that other junk food.

We definitely wanna get rid of alcohol just for a week, I know yeah and we also want to be getting rid of artificial sweeteners which is definitely a no-no, so those are those big ones includes Sugar, Alcohol, Artificial Sweeteners and those other process Starches.

You're gonna eliminate a lot of fluid in your body, you'll understand now that we hold on the water with some of the things we eat.

And we let go over with others, so if you have a doughnut like this right and it's just up there only buddy doughnut you'll store about 1/4 cup this much water in your body.

It's trapped in your body can't get out and this water can be easily urinated out, so to speak think about this as a toilet okay it goes right out there now multiply that in your body with all the foods.

That you've eaten right and Chris you take a couple years to do just that here's soft Ronit right get here's my soft drink.

I'm not gonna have that all that water, I get to lose that some candy here not just one but two slices of pizza here get rid of those all right.

And it goes on and on you know processed foods chips all this water is the water your body wins to get rid of and will happily do.

So if you can just get rid of some of these processed foods and take them out of your body just cart them away all this is lost weight which will make you feel a little less tugged around your skin.

Again it's not your long-term solution to weight loss correct but short term it will fit you in a different place emotionally it turns out that all these foods that Chris was squeezing water out happen to also be good things to eliminate to want to lose fat weight.

So it's a great way, so you'll lose fat weight because you're eating the right foods and it was water weight short term because eating the right foods you got a double whammy for this.

Let's talk about exactly what you're gonna need to get flat by next Friday the first thing for breakfast we want you to have a little bit of protein you know that and a little bit of fat with it.

So we're gonna give you an egg in an avocado so why this combo well I mean especially with the protein and the fat those are a one-two punch and we also with this breakfast.

We also included a little bit of carbohydrate I know we were talking about eliminating some of those carbohydrates but we're talking about real whole natural carbohydrates.

Like a corn tortilla to curb those cravings for those processed carbs that were eliminated they talked about lunch lunch you can notice has a few carbs but this is important is a carb curfew after lunch.

So these are the last carbs you're gonna have explain the carb curfew concept so after a while we do want to pull those carbohydrates especially for the last one or two meals of the day for a lot of the same reasons.

That we were talking about earlier especially with the carbs that are stored in our body we want to utilize those so that we're gonna release all that water.

But on top of that I'm gonna give you guys some really cool tips of the trick here is that we definitely want to reduce carbohydrates coming into night.

So the weekends when we sleep that's when our body releases human growth hormone and when our insulin goes up at night with carbohydrate intake it blunts our body's ability to release human growth hormone.

Hormones in the human body you're kidding you know this dog knew the growth hormones increase I didn't realize that having carbs later in the evening would blunt that yeah but almost what makes you feel vital or what makes you look young.

And it burns a lot of body fat so you know we got a wonderful lunch here we do have our sweet potatoes which is a wonderful great a whole carbohydrate from a root vegetable.

But then after that we eliminate it now in this lunch I also put a little secret vegetable in here and then you're gonna see some asparagus in here asparagus is a powerful natural diuretic.

There's a yeah there's an amino acid in there that um and it's showing-up it actually triggers our body to release even more water.

So the more asparagus that you can eat during this Flat Belly week I'm telling you your body's gonna they're gonna get asparagus toxic Aki.

I know when I step is to build a cleanse salad for dinner how did the cleanse Sal different from the usual salads we serve ourselves oh you know more than anything it's gonna be fun it's flavorful it's colorful and there's no carbohydrates in these cleanse salads.

There's it's got a curfew for carbs okay solutely you pick a base right they say it's cucumbers you might want to add a little bit of color.

I said out of college here we have beets here yams and beets I love beets and we're gonna throw in a crunch all right little crunch here what do you want for crunch.

How about some celery perfect that's always nice and crunchy now we're gonna throw in some protein very necessary laughter acute threat for muscle for the human body.

Then we're gonna add our fats a little bit of flavoring also to really help curb cravings for those walnuts there we are alright.

So that's got everything you want and when you're done it looks like this which is a lot of food for dinner and I think this makes a very elegant simple way you guys think you could do this for seven days.