Ketogenic Diet After 40 Age | Should You Do It Or Not?
Hey what's up guys are you completely confused with how you
should eat what type of diet you should follow what type of nutrition strategy
you should follow were completely in undated with a ton of different diet fads
So I'm about to answer one of the more popular diet fads now
should you be utilizing keto.
The ketogenic diet, If you are a man over 40 all right, So
stick around and I will explain whether you should do that or not.
A man over 40 be
bottle following beat ketogenic diet all right very popular right now another
diet fad this isn't the first time has come around.
I've been in this industry over 30 years 20 years ago it was
huge just like it is now right I was training a lot of people back then I was a
competitive bodybuilder back in so I myself implemented the ketogenic diet not
only for my self.
The shows I was doing but also for a lot of my clients all
right, So I'm gonna answer the question if it's good for men over 40 all right
but here's the thing keep in mind the whole goal when you're over 40 is finding
something that's going to optimize hormones.
Optimize metabolism and optimize energy levels and be sustainable
and have longevity behind it something you can adhere to for the rest of your
life all right.
So all that being said then absolutely not I do not
recommend it from in over 40 all right again I did in my late 20s early 30s.
I trained tons of people utilizing the ketogenic diet here's
who I recommend it for if you are somebody that is severely obese morbidly
obese just completely have a lot of weight you need to lose then guess what I
recommend keto for my clients.
Alright but that is a small population there are several people
that I train now that I've went straight on a ketogenic diet and that's typically
who I save it for all right people that have a ton of weight to lose.
Ton of fat on their bodies again severely obese individuals
very small population more than likely if you're not in that category then you
do not need to be a ketogenic diet all right.
Because there's been several studies all right European
Journal studies and life sciences studies several dicks show the ketogenic diet
is bad for your hormones especially testosterone and man like me you're a guy
in their 40s 50s 60s wherever you fall in that category.
I'm in my late forties mid 40s actually and the last thing I
want is for my hormone levels to the declining all right as you know they
naturally start to decline due to a lot of variables aging lack of activity as
you get older.
There's a lot of reasons your hormones decline as you get
older and the last thing you need is a diet that is sub optimal all right something
that's not going to help optimize your hormones.
All right keep in mind the carbohydrates even though they're
demonized now by all the keto guys keto followers carbs are your body's
preferred source of fuel energy all right brain food energy sure you can trick
your body.
And do away with carbs and get your body to produce ketones become
fat adapted there's a lot of things you can do to get alternate sources of fuel.
However your body prefers one it's readily available it's
optimal go ahead and go with your carbs here's where the keto guys try to throw
all cars under the bus I'm not talking sugars breads pastries sodas there's a
lot of crap carbs.
Obviously but there's a big umbrella right when you're
discussing carbs you still want good clean gluten-free car but those are carbs
that you do need to be including in your diet to optimize your hormone.
Optimize your metabolism energy levels get all of those
other benefits that car provide there are a lot of micronutrients and carbs as
well not just about the macronutrients about all the microbes vitamins.
And minerals that you get into carbohydrates it's your body
needs as well a lot of fiber all right so keep that in mind.
I know this may not be a very popular stance right now again
I was around 20 years ago when Atkins came out all about keto you've got
studies and review papers showing how keto was such an amazing thing.
But guess what five to seven years later it all went away
because it's not sustainable all right if you're somebody that can go the rest
of your life without ever eating risk your life.
Without ever eating carbs hey man maybe it is for you all
right but I like carbs in moderation I followed heart cycling which is the nutritional
strategy that I do along with intermittent fasting.
So I get tremendous benefits with my clients utilizing those
two strategies those are not diets those are nutritional strategies there's a
difference all right.
Keto is a diet a fad diet it's eliminating a complete group
of macronutrients all right keep peddling your grandparents great grandparents
great great-great grandparents all I had carbs all right.
I'm sure they were fine you're here so things worked well
enough to continue to reproduce which is a whole goal with all of us all right.
So I know I'm getting kind of long winded with this I just
wanted to point that out because this is one of those very touchy subjects
right now and I'm not demonizing keto.
Either I don't want to go there I mean I don't want to upset
the keto guys and keto cold whatever whatever they harder because again I utilize
keto with some of my clients I'm specific with who I use it on one of my
I put on keto every time he wants to diet he's just
naturally a bigger person all right so he holds a lot of weight when he wants
to lose weight he has to go on keto.
So there are people like that who do meet keto diets but I'm
just talking about the average person it's not for everybody there's a lot more
benefits to utilizing the smarter approach all right utilizing carbs of
moderation good lean protein and good essential fats.
Because keto is structured completely different it's an extremely
high in fat diet low to moderate protein and about 5% coming from carbs and
that's it so completely different structure.
Especially when your goal is as an older guy to optimize things
all right we're trying to be optimal so I want to optimize your hormones.
I want to help you stay healthy and I'm gonna give you
solutions to your problems if you've got a lot of great that you need to lose.
I mean whatever it is you're very healthy you're diabetic they're
trying to get off of all of those things you're on medications trying to get
off of them then you can still do it utilizing proper strategies is gonna take
a little bit longer.
But keep in mind when you're focusing on losing weight you
should be focusing on losing fat not just weight that's how keto diets get you
in the first place.
You're gonna lose a ton of weight initially to where your
mind is thinking wow this is the best diet ever you're depleting your body of
glycogen which holds a lot of water.
So you're losing a lot of water weight a lot of glycogen and
muscle and fat you're losing a little bit of everything initially whereas when
you follow a properly structured diet your goal is to lose only fat.
You want to maintain as much muscle mass as you can even
stay hydrated it's good to have water in your cells all right.
So you don't want to be completely depleted you want to make
sure you're healthy you're feeling healthy you're looking healthy you're doing
games optimally especially for hormones.
And that is one of the keys so like I said there are a lot
of studies out there showing the keto is very detrimental for your testosterone
levels you can check those out there's conflicting studies there's always going
to be complete studies.
Everyone's got a study to prove their point I'm just here to
tell you doing hito twenty years ago when I did it for my souls it was the
worst I ever felt I got lean you know I mean keep in mind.
I got completely ripped and shredded but I've also been
completely ripped in straighted on two hundred and fifty carbs a day and I felt
amazing I was fuller I looked better I looked healthier all right I wasn't flat
and weak lethargic.
That's what I got with the keto diets that I've always followed
so those are two things to keep in mind you can get lean doing both I prefer
the optimal way.
So anyways I know this is gonna be one of those it's gonna be
very conflicting it's not gonna be the most popular stance right now but again
I've been doing this over 30 years.
I'm used to it I have seen it popularized before and I've
seen it completely fall on its face before so right now we just happen to be in
the most popular time to the keto day.
But anyway I hope this answered some of your questions I'm
not going to discourage you from doing it especially.
If you're completely obese or overweight and you have been following
it and lost a lot of weight congratulations because that's the goal at the end
of the day I want you to be healthy and I want you to be happy.
And I want you to do something that you can sustain alright I'm
just here to help you guys here to offer solutions offer help and doing
something that you can do it for the long haul.
Because it's not about losing a ton of weight over the first
year and then completely given up and putting it all back last name of keto
that is a thing you can follow keto get all this weight off.
As soon as you eat of known as soon as you start eating hardly
incorporating those carbs you are going to rebound like nobody else you're gonna
balloon up it's even happened to me back in the day.
It's happened to a lot of the clients I used to put on keto so
you've got to be very strategic coming off of keto all right don't go cold
turkey take it easy take it slow to come off of it.
If it's something that you've been following and you want to
try something more optimal gradually the carbs back in don't do it like I said
cold turkey just make sure you take it slow carbs once a day.
This week maybe twice a day next week just do it so gradual
that your body knows what to do with the cards and it's not going to store it
all this fat but again.
I don't want to get too scientific I don't to get too
technical I just wanted to give you my opinion on whether or not you should be
doing a ketogenic diet.