Keto Over 40 | Keto Tips for Middle Aged People | Keto Diet Over 40

Keto Over 40 | Keto Tips for Middle Aged People | Keto Diet Over 40

When you're over 40 some things change from doing the ketogenic diet, So I'm gonna give you some simple tips on just little tweaks that you can make to your diet protocol get a little bit more out of a keto diet.

If you are 40 or above then the first thing that I want to talk about is adding a little bit more protein okay now it doesn't matter.

If you're getting it from a pea protein a plant protein, If you're getting it from ground beef from chicken whatever as long as it's a good healthy organic source it's all good the thing is I want you to get more protein in simply.

Because the stress on the body as you get a little bit older even just 40 and up is significantly more and you need more protein to actually recover.

So studies have even started to show that a lot of times it's the cellular degradation and the overall atrophy that occurs from lack of protein that ends up being a bigger issue than some of these other things.

So the reality is on a ketogenic diet it lends itself perfectly for you to be able to up your protein and take a little bit, So you might be concerned about kidney stress and everything like that with extra protein the fact is you have to go really above.

And beyond and have way too much protein to add a lot of stress to your kidneys as long as you are super hydrated and you're adding salt to your water and salt to your food and you're getting a good amount of just hydration.

Because of that you're gonna be fine with more protein and quite frankly it's going to make a big difference for you overall.

So I recommend that you increase a little bit of pea protein intake or maybe you can increase a little bit of your protein consumption from other sources eggs.

Whatever just get a little bit more it is going to make a big difference in your overall recovery so one of the things you're gonna want to do.

If you're over 40 on a keto diet is get more in the way of collagen we say we have a lot of things that attack our cartilage.

When we're over 40, So if you get some collagen in it's going to give you the prolene the glycine and the arginine that you need to actually rebuild those joints.

So very important there the next thing that you want to do is you want to be getting a lot more in the way of turmeric.

I'm a big fan of turmeric obviously and pure throughout being a turmeric company obviously we have a passion there, so whenever you can add turmeric into the mix you can do it through turmeric extract or full spectrum.

turmeric or you can do it through Cru human gold and again we have to look at how turmeric plays a role when it comes down to like osteoarthritis to and also rheumatoid arthritis which is purely an inflammatory autoimmune condition.

So definitely wanna be adding that into the mix whenever possible I add curcumin gold or turmeric into my bulletproof coffee in the morning so my coffee that I have with butter and with ghee and stuff like that I go ahead and I add that the mix.

So it makes a big difference and it tastes really darn good the other thing that you want to do is going to want to make sure you're getting more in the way of broccoli and cauliflower than someone that's a little bit younger.

You see the reason is we're trying to control estrogen levels and there's something in broccoli known as Dean dole methane and if you eat a good amount of broccoli you get it the indoor methane is going to end up bringing down the one six hydroxy estrogen levels.

So the bad estrogens we want to bring those down and want to increase two hydroxy estrogens now dim again scary sounding name with Dean Dolan methane.

But it's literally just derived from Bach broccoli and cauliflower and cruciferous vegetables it's going to help that conversion process.

So you get the right estrogen so men or women are gonna benefit from this women specifically you want to have a little bit of edamame every day just a tiny bit just because the phytoestrogens in it are gonna mimic estrogen within your body.

And therefore you're gonna develop more sensitivity with the receptors that they actually use the estrogen that's floating around you don't have excess unused estrogen that's the last thing you want the other thing that you're gonna want to do.

If you're over 40 and you're practicing a ketogenic diet is try doing longer-term fasting once a week do a 24 to 36 hour fast you see once you're over 40 you can get a huge benefit from longer-term fast from a longevity perspective.

So you can end up increasing what's called your telomeres so you ended up increasing what's called the they're basically like these little end caps on the end of telomeres that protect the telomere.

Telomere shortening as we get older so as we age these telomeres get shorter shorter shorter and then eventually the cell dies right.

So if we can protect the telomere then we can essentially live longer quite quite literally so longer-term fast at an older age you need at over 30 really is going to be a very powerful tool for you it's gonna allow those shoelace caps.

If you will to protect the telomere longer so very very powerful another thing you want to do is make sure you add as much healthy Himalayan salt or Redmond real salt or just good quality salt to your food and water.

And it sounds counterintuitive it sounds kind of productive because you don't want to increase your blood pressure but trust me on a keto diet you get deficient minerals and you lose a lot of water.

So by doing that it's going to help you out eat tons so very very very important there so that's just the basics of it some simple tips.

If you're over 40 to get the most out of your ketogenic diet but one thing I do recommend is no matter what get your hands on someone our keto balance or curcumin gold.

So that you can actually make the most of your keto diet or just your anti-inflammatory lifestyle.