What is the Best Diet for Women Over 40?

What is the Best Diet for Women Over 40? 

Today we were talking about the best diet for women over 40 years old it's a very common question very common question what happened was someone actually they email this to me.

She was a really nice woman and she was asking hey listen I'm 42 years old and I noticed that ever since I turned 40 that it seems like my metabolism has gone down losing weight has been way harder.

I've been way more stressed I've been like picking at foods more cravings have gone up and it's been really hard for me to lose weight.

Now so what is the best diet for women over 40 and this is a common question not just for women and not just for people over 40 this is for everybody.

Because everybody is really they want to know the best thing for them right and they want to know what's the best diet for women was the best diet for men.

What's the best diet for people over 30 the best diet for people over 60 and it's interesting it's very interesting it makes sense nobody wants a cookie cutter planet they could just get off the internet.

And like that you know what you don't know if it's gonna work so what I want to do is I want to explain the major the most important thing is that you really need to understand regardless of age.

Regardless of gender and this is gonna help you if you are a woman over 40 or if you're a male over 40 it's gonna help you.

If you are a woman who is 20 or a male who's 20 it doesn't if you work out or if you don't work out because here's the most important part of this unless you have a metabolic issue or if you have a thyroid problem.

Everything is gonna be the same everything especially from a fat loss perspective and people they usually don't like to hear this they get really defensive like well you don't know my body you don't know well here's what's really important.

I was actually just talking with my friend dr. Nadal ski about this venture and it all ski a really amazing doctor my own personal doctor and one thing that he was telling me was that a lot of people will come to him.

And he specializes in obesity and I've worked with thousands of men and women and we were sort of comparing our experiences before very similar and what Spencer did also he told me was that a lot of people will come to him.

And they'll say hey listen I think my metabolism is uh is it's not working or it's really slowed down or it's broke in whatever it is and or the big I think I have a thyroid issue maybe an underactive thyroid.

And that's why I'm gaining so much weight okay cool let me get let me we'll run a blood panel will get all your thyroid work.

We'll get everything back we'll take a look so if they do the thyroid thyroid tests and they're functioning normally they've okay well it's got to be my metabolism then because it's really slowing down.

So then they he's like alright we'll get a metabolic cart and we'll take a look at your metabolism make sure everything's okay and they get it back and it's totally normal.

And she says well okay so your thyroid is fine and your metabolism is fine so realistically it's neither of those so what's going on it and they're like well.

I think something else has to be broken and then we were talking about how everybody almost wants there to be some type of an issue outside of their control it's hard to hear this.

Because like in your mind why the would I want something to be something outside of my control but when you really dig deep in the psychology and the emotion behind it very few people.

Actually want to hear listen you're eating too much food you're eating too much no one wants to hear that even though if they really start to examine their behavior.

And you ask them well let me ask you this what are you what are your what's your eating like on the weekends are you tracking your calories not so much on the weekends maybe sometimes at night.

I'll have like a little bit more extra wine or maybe like as I'm cooking food I'm picking more than I should or maybe like I'm you know I go out to the diner on Saturday and Sunday or maybe I'm going out and you know I'm having all this extra stuff.

 And they don't when they're here's the q-tips let me just explain the nature issue most people who want to lose that they think about it a lot every meal every snack constantly throughout the day.

They want to lose fat they want to lose bad they want so it's constantly taking up a lot of time and effort but when they go out and they eat or when they're like doing their normal day-to-day.

Even if they have a treat and they eat food that they normally wouldn't count as food that would be good for fat loss they're still thinking about one and aleeah's fat and there's a lot of guilt built up through that so the amount of time.

That they spent thinking about it becomes a burden and that time burden will then almost trick people into thinking that they're dedicating a massive amount of effort to losing fat.

And nothing just seems to work and meanwhile they're forgetting about the weekends not tracking their calories they're forgetting about all the foods that they're eating while they're cooking.

And preparing and not really counting those calories they're really they're forgetting about the the several bottle glasses or bottles a wine that they're having they're forgetting about a lot of the stuff that is contributing them not being to lose weight.

And then they just think well it must just be because I'm getting older because I'm 40 or because I'm at the ER because I'm 60 it must just be because my metabolism is slowing down.

It must just be because I have a thyroid issue and then when they actually go get it checked if they go get it checked which they oftentimes don't and then told that everything is normal.

They think well this is ridiculous I miss Howsam just has to be slow and it's so frustrating to go through that what's really important to remember is if someone's trying to get you to follow it's trying to sell you on a program based on like this is only gonna work.

If you are a woman over 40 this is only gonna work if you are male over 50 it's only gonna work if you are in this age and this demographic and this it's a marketing it's a marketing tool.

It's a very good marketing tool I bet a lot of people watching this are only here specifically because I said women over 40 right it's a way to grab attention.

And it's a way to really make it feel as though the person delivering the content understands you and your specific struggle at a very high level and when you feel like you can relate to them on that level they got to know what's going on they can fix it.

And it's not necessarily a bad thing there are some people who do that with really good intent and really good intentions and with really good programs.

The issue is when you're led to believe that this is out of your control and that the only way to see progress is through buying certain supplements or through doing like a certain program.

That is like listen here's the thing whether or not you do one of my programs when it's the inner circle or or whatever is irrelevant all.

I want is that you do something you take action in a way that's gonna help you see results that is the most important thing to me and I'll tell you right now whether you're a woman over 40 or a woman under 4 you are a male over 40 or male under 40.

The most important parts of being able to lose fat are being in a calorie deficit eating fewer calories than you need.

If you want to know how many calories you need to eat I've written about that numerous times I've been on YouTube being a calorie deficit eating sufficient protein and strength training that's it now a lot of people would hear.

That I am any calorie deficit I am any carrier so I know for a fact I know this isn't fun to hear it's not fun I don't  this like he does nobody's talking about.

If you think you're in a calorie deficit if you swear you're in a calorie deficit but you are not tracking your calories like I mean weighing your food every single one writing down everything you're eating.

Everything you're drinking for 30 days straight every single thing weighing it measuring it for 30 days 100% consistent.

100% consistent a lot of people will do they like I am a hundred percent consistent and I'll be like okay well let's try for seven days and then two days in the bag oh yeah went out to lunch.

I didn't really know how much I was having so there's a little bit of a guess we had some drinks and then like over the weekend yeah we went out to breakfast and then also yeah we had dinner.

And we had guests over and I like didn't want any other yata it's like listen give it 30 days 100% consistent a hundred percent.

Because it if you most people don't realize this until they actually give the 30 days shot go for 30 days track your calories see how many are actually eating because if you're not losing fat.

And if you're not seeing progress guaranteed it is not because unless you have a thyroid issue like you go to the doctor yeah you have an underactive thyroid you're the doctor and they take a metabolic cart and you have amendment.

Metabolic issue unless that's happened you're just not following your guidelines you're not hitting any calories or through quitting too soon and you're basing too much of your success or lack of success on what the scale is telling you.

Maybe like you've been doing it perfectly for a week or two and then the scale goes up five or ten pounds.

I have female clients who the scale will go up four seven seven pounds on their period and then after the period goes away it'll go back.

But imagine if they just quit as soon as the scale spiked up seven pounds but what the this makes no sense.

I'm doing everything you say but then almost suddenly they keep following it and they're consistent with it and they don't let that one spike turn into AB into that last two or three days.

And they keep going and they keep making progress if you're thinking you're not making progress just because the scale went up and then you quit or you binge or you say well this isn't working.

You're not being consistent 30 days straight no it's not actually I just a podcast on this recently as it was spoken with a woman in my inner circle and Talia and for the first 30 days.

She had I think it was she was down about 10 pounds or so in the first 30 days and then the weight her weight went back up five pounds.

And she was really discouraged because she thought well what's going on but think about it like this if he was an average of a pound a week at the end of 30 days.

She lost ten pounds that's an average of about two pounds a week right and then more actually that's more than two pounds a week.

So her weight goes up five pounds just like a random spike up so now but if you look at that average or weight went up five pounds after 30 days.

And she'd already lost ten that's still an average of more than a pound a week so she's stuck with it she kept going and boom her weight went down in Kent you go down but that random spike up.

If that had led her to quit she wouldn't have been successful she wouldn't have seen what was actually possible so either assuming you've gone to the doctor.

And you're your thyroid is fine and your metabolism is fine calories and check for 30 days straight protein and check 30 days straight strength training at least three days a week.

If you can do that guarantee you're gonna be losing fat regardless of man or woman over 40 140 athlete not athlete doesn't matter that's physiology that's how the body works.

If you haven't been to the doctor and you haven't gotten a thyroid check and you haven't gotten your metabolism checked go get it checked and to be sure but don't sit and wonder and make up stories.

And say this has to be it because you don't know unless you get it checked and by the way even if you do have a thyroid issue.

If you do have an underactive thyroid and you're on medication and it comes back up to normal levels you're fine you have to continue to get a check to make sure your medication is working.

But if you're if your thyroid is in normal range due to your medication you're fine it's not a thyroid issue and that's just that's a fact now keeping in mind that sometimes you're like as you get older.

If you aren't strength training and even if you are strength training sometimes your metabolism will drop a little bit and you'll that will mean that you have to eat a little bit less.

But unless you actually have a metabolic issue or a thyroid issue it's not dropping so so much that you like have to eat 800 calories a day.

It's just not what's happening and that's why I want you go get it checked what are the doctors so you can see for yourself but might drop a little bit maybe a hundred calories here 150 calories there.

But that that's it's not drastic and after the point where you just can't lose fat anymore odds are you're just not being consistent enough within your calories you're not being consistent up for tracking.

And being consistent enough with making sure you're actually within the range to see progress when you're quitting too soon so for women over 40 women under 40 from now or 40 men under 40.