The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program | Step by Step Review

The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program | Step by Step Review

Look if you've ever tried to lose weight and struggled I get it. It's frustrating maybe you've fallen into the cycle of yo-yo dieting maybe you've tried one of these fad diets saw some results.

And fell off the wagon and gained it all right back despite your best intentions you've had trouble sticking with the diet and this just leaves you feeling like a failure worse than you did before you started.

Or maybe you're worried about what that excess weight is doing to your health increasing your risk for life-changing illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease are worse not to mention.

How your health is keeping you on the sidelines unable to play and be active with your family her recent had a client come to me and tell me she was sitting with her daughter one day.

She reached out grabbed a big handful of her belly and said mommy why are you so fat she do instantly that it was time to make a change.

I had another client comes to me because she just gotten their four-year-old daughter a brand new bicycle complete with training wheels and a little basket on the front for her birthday.

The problem was she could barely make it up the block without being bent over huffing and puffing completely out of breath she told me.

She was so embarrassed that's not the kind of mom she wanted to be I have some clients in the dating world struggling to be comfortable in their own skin the excess weight around their bellies is killing their confidence.

Holding them back from getting out there and finally meeting that special person I hear stories like this all the time my name is drew and I'm a professional health coach.

And I've helped hundreds of people just like you lose weight even when they're at the end of the rope and they felt they had tried everything before let's be honest for a minute.

Diet advice is downright confusing don't eat carbs, eat more carbs, eat fewer calories, eat more calories, eat less fat.

No way you have to eat more fat it's enough to drive anyone crazy that's I just want to give you the information you need to lose weight and get healthy and the easiest fastest way possible.

Because I promise you no matter where you are right now you can lose the weight you can get healthy and you can look and feel like someone 5 10 even 20 years younger you just need to understand a few simple things.

And trust me it doesn't matter if you need to lose 10 20 30 40 pounds or more if you want to lose fat through your belly your arms your back your thighs your butt.

Where ever once you see how simple this is you'll realize literally anyone can do it so next couple of minutes I'm going to show you a really simple secret.

 I teach my a method they've all used almost effortlessly slim down get healthy and look better now than they could have ever imagined now you might be thinking yourself okay here comes yet another new fad diet.

But honestly nothing could be further from the truth because if you're like most of my clients you've probably already tried most of these miracle diets more than you care to think about some may have even worked for a little bit but eventually you fell off the program for one reason or another.

And immediately gained all the way back everything you lost and maybe even picked up a few extra pounds along the way this just wears you down kills your self-esteem it makes you feel like you just don't have what it takes to lose the weight.

And get healthy am i right I understand I've seen this a thousand times before the important thing to realize it's not your fault most of these diets aren't set up for long-term success.

They're just a quick fix designed to sell books not to help you get healthy in a lifelong sustainable way it has nothing to do with your willpower those Dicers aren't practical.

And on top of that you're busy you probably have a job maybe you do maybe you go to school maybe both you might have a child you could have three kids house where guard work errands a million other things you have to do during the day.

The last thing you need is a complex math problem every time you take a bite of something the way I see it life's too short to deny yourself great tasting food.

Food should be fun and I promise you that healthy food doesn't have to taste better if you don't have a program that you enjoy you're never gonna stick with it.

So it's not gonna work in the long run now I've learned by working with hundreds of clients over the last ten years that to get someone to stick with a program.

The meals need to be super simple to make super fast reasonably inexpensive with no weird exotic ingredients delicious and most importantly give you amazing weight loss.

Weight loss results and to get those results these meals need to be packed with everything your body requires and most importantly be satisfying so to help my clients.

I found the perfect solution I started making the meal replacements with you recipes they had all the ingredients they needed they were jam-packed with super nutritious.

Nutrient-dense food they were easy to make and they tasted amazing I would give these to my clients and they could go to the store spend 10 minutes shopping come home for a few things in the blender and five minutes later have a perfectly nutritious meal.

It was great not only were they easy to make and tasted like dessert but they really really worked to help people melt away their stubborn body fat.

My clients were thrilled they were seeing amazing results fast and because I used my knowledge of health and nutrition along with years of working with personal clients to make these recipes specifically for rapid weight loss.

They weren't gonna find these anywhere online or in a book store they were specially formulated recipes designed to give your body the fuel it needed melt away fat as fast as possible.

And taste amazing so pretty soon my kitchen looked like a laboratory from that scientist I would have to try all the smoothies because I wouldn't just give them a recipe without trying it myself first.

Because I knew if it didn't taste good there was no way that they drink it and that would defeat the whole purpose so after months and months of my kitchen being a disaster.

I decided that I need to do something different so I put together all of my best tasting fat burning mail replacements through the recipes into a rapid results three-week program in total.

It had more than 36 recipes that I could literally just hand to someone and say here you go this is all you need to lose weight and get healthy the program was super simple they could spend a few minutes each day in the kitchen.

Probably a fraction of the time they were used to spending making meals and many of my clients have told me their grocery bills actually went down as they stopped buying sodas snack foods.

And all those empty calories they used to buy so the way this program works it's really simple all they had to do was use my special smoothie recipes to replace two meals during the day and then whatever they want for their other meal.

It couldn't be easier and almost immediately they see the pounds start falling off faster than they ever thought possible and perhaps the best thing of all this is a program you can do over and over again once you hit your goals.

You can use it to maintain your desired weight with almost no effort whatsoever I make it super simple to continue to lose as much weight as you want even after the initial three weeks.

One of my clients has lost almost 70 pounds over the last few months by continuing to follow the program 70 pounds rather than pick my word for it.

She sent me this video to show you what she thinks of it so take a look hey my name is Amanda and I wanted to share the results that I've had using a diet called the smoothie diet.

I started the diet after having my second son I had gained about 70 pounds all in all throughout two pregnancies and had tried many other ways to take the weight off and just not was working for me.

Everything was just too hard or I was hungry all the time and I was super cranky and so I found the smoothie diet which is so easy to follow you basically just make the smoothies which tastes amazing you replace certain meals with them.

The shopping lists are included recipes are included and all in all it was a very easy diet for me to follow I've been using everything I learned from the program to keep the weight coming off.

So at this point I've lost almost 70 pounds the smoothies were absolutely delicious they were filling I never really felt like I was missing out on anything and the best part especially as a young mom was the incredible energy.

That I felt like I had I didn't even feel like I needed my morning coffee anymore drew was absolutely fantastic to work with anytime I had a question or I needed more information about something I was able to email him.

And he would email me right back with the information that I needed so I never felt like I was in the dark I always felt like there was communication there.

So I would highly recommend this smoothie diet to anyone who's looking for a really great and easy way to lose weight without feeling like you're hungry or missing out on something thanks and good luck.

So as you can see this really is the perfect system for busy people with busy lives who want to lose weight and get healthy I've recently had a client email me right after she started the program.

She was over the moon with excitement because she dropped 3 pounds and a whole pant size in the first three days.

Three days and just got another email yesterday from a woman who said she just had a baby five weeks ago and just started this movie program Monday by Thursday she got on the scale and said she already lost seven pounds.

What I wanted to do is take this whole program and put it out there for you to use I figured since I've already packaged everything in a way that's simple and easy to follow this can benefit everybody not just my private coaching clients.

So I put everything together into one easy to follow system I've literally done everything for you to make this program as easy as possible.

I'm calling this program the smoothie diet you get a full 21 day program I regularly used in my private coaching clients this tells you exactly which smoothies to have each day and which meals to replace and like I said earlier you can eat whatever you want for your other meal.

Obviously if you want the fastest results you should keep your meals healthy and nutritious and I even provide some sample meal and snack suggestions to make sure you lose weight as fast as possible.

But even if you don't follow my suggestions you will still lose weight you get all 36 of my delicious fat shredding meal replacements with your recipes shopping lists for each week to help make it as simple and convenient as possible.

You'll be able to walk into the grocery store and in just a few short minutes get everything you need for the whole week and be out the door in one shop I'm also including my smoothie tips and prep guide.

This step-by-step guide will help you make the perfect smoothie every time there will be zero trial there definitely no missteps nothing.

You'll make your very first smoothie and everyone thereafter just like Pro I know what you're probably thinking how much does this cost right we all think that about everything.

When you stop and think about it doing nothing is probably the worst most expensive choice possible maybe it doesn't cost you any dollars today.

But it does rob you of living the kind of life you've always dreamed of it'll almost certainly take years off your life usually could have spent with your family watching your kids grow up.

If you continue down the cycle of yo-yo dieting jumping from one diet program to another you'll just continue to gain more and more weight and eventually you will fall victim to all that excess weight and at that point.

It might be too late so honestly what could be more expensive than that and let's not even talk about the cost of doctor's bills for appointments and prescription medications that have worse side effects.

Than what they are actually treated this will most likely cause you thousands tens of thousands or maybe even more.

The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program : CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION