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The Red Tea Detox
Herbal Allies For Pregnancy Problems - Healthy Pregnancy and Birth

Herbal Allies For Pregnancy Problems - Healthy Pregnancy and Birth

Herbal Allies For Pregnancy Problems - Healthy Pregnancy and Birth

Wise women believe that most pregnancy problems can be prevented by paying attention to nutrition.


Morning sickness and mood swings are associated with low blood sugar; back pain and severe labor pains are often caused by insufficient calcium; varicose veins, hemorrhoids, constipation, skin discoloration and anemia are evidence of a lack of certain nutrients; Preeclampsia.

The most serious problem in pregnancy is a form of acute malnutrition. 

Excellent nutrition includes clean water, controlled breathing, abundant light, loving and respectful relationships, beauty and harmony in everyday life, happy thoughts and important foods.

During pregnancy, nutrients are needed to form the cells needed to make two extra uterine muscles, nerves, bones, organs, muscles, glands, and fetal skin, several pounds of amniotic fluid, placenta, and 50 percent blood proliferation volume. 

In addition, more kidney and liver cells are needed to treat the waste of two creatures instead of one.

Wild foods and organically grown products, grains and herbs are the best source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed during pregnancy. 

Even better, if the expectant mother gets out and collects her own herbs: stretching, bending, breathing, moving, touching the ground, taking the time to talk to plants and open herself to their spiritual world.


Wise women have been recommending herbal tonics for fertility for thousands of years. 

These herbs are empirically safe and particularly effective. Tonic herbs improve overall health by balancing and maintaining energy flow and concentration in the body.

Tones relieve irritation and prevent major problems. They can increase the supply of vital minerals and vitamins, increase energy and improve uterine tone. 

Some uterine tonics are contraindicated during pregnancy or limited to the last weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy tonics should be used regularly; Tonic is for cells as much as exercise for muscles: not much use when done wrong. 

Of course, even the occasional use of tonics during pregnancy is beneficial because they contain nutrients. The better benefit comes from using them 5 times a week or more.

Some simple suggestions on how to use tonics: pregnant women could replace the morning cup with a rich nettle infusion. 

Or he could cook raspberry leaves and put it in the fridge to drink instead of soda, wine or beer. 

Wild greens can be added to the diet. In many cultures, women have used the following herbs for centuries for a healthier pregnancy.


Raspberry or infused raspberry is the best known, most used, and safest of all uterine and pregnancy tonic herbs. 

It contains a fragrance, an alkaloid that gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic area, including the uterus itself.

Most of the benefits associated with regular use of raspberry tea during pregnancy are due to the nutritious source of vitamins and minerals present in this plant as well as the fragrance alkaloid, which gives tone to the pelvic muscles, including the uterus itself. 

Of particular note are the abundant vitamin C content, the presence of vitamin E, and the easily absorbed calcium and iron. 

Raspberry leaves also contain a complex of vitamins A and B and many minerals, including phosphorus and potassium.

The benefits of brewing raspberry leaves before and during pregnancy are as follows:

Increasing fertility in both men and women: Raspberry leaf is an excellent fertility herb combined with red clover.

Prevention of miscarriage and bleeding: Raspberry leaf tones the uterus and helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum bleeding from the relaxed or atonic uterus.

Relieving Morning Sickness: Many testify that raspberry leaves alleviate nausea and stomach upset throughout pregnancy.

Reducing pain during and after childbirth: A raspberry plate softens the muscles used during and after childbirth. However, it does not prevent pelvic enlargement pain.

Assisting in the production of rich breast milk: The high mineral content of raspberry leaf helps in milk production, but its contraction may counteract it in some women.

Providing safe and fast delivery: Raspberry leaf encourages the uterus to let go and function without tension. 

It does not strengthen contractions, but allows the constricting uterus to function more efficiently and can thus make birth easier and faster.

NETTLE LEAVES (Urtica Diotca).

Lesser known as a pregnancy tonic, but deserving of a friendlier reputation and use, Urtica is one of the finest nourishing tonics.

It is said to have more chlorophyll than any other herb. The list of vitamins and minerals in this herb contains almost everything that is known to be essential.

Some pregnant women vary the doses of nettle and raspberry weekly; others drink raspberries until the last month and then move to the nettles to ensure large amounts of vitamin K in the blood before birth.

The benefits of nettle infusion before and during pregnancy are as follows:

Kidney Help: Nettle infusions were important in rebuilding the kidneys of a woman who was told she needed to be put on a dialysis machine.

Because the kidneys must cleanse 150 percent of the normal bloodstream for most pregnancies, the ability of nettles to nourish and strengthen them is very important.

Accumulation of minerals such as gravel or stones in the kidneys loosens, dissolves, and is eliminated continuously using nettle infusions.

Increasing female and male fertility.

Nourishing mother and fetus.

Relieving leg cramps and other cramps.

Reducing pain during and after birth: High calcium levels, which are easily absorbed, help reduce muscle pain in the uterus, legs and elsewhere.

Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage: Nettle is an excellent source of vitamin K and increases the available hemoglobin, both of which reduce the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage. Fresh nettle juice, in teaspoons, slows down postpartum bleeding.

Hemorrhoids Reduction: The mild contraction and general nourishing effect of nettles tightens and strengthens blood vessels, helps maintain arterial flexibility, and improves venous tolerance.
Increasing the richness and quantity of breast milk.


Of course, calcium is a mineral, not a herbal tonic, but it is so important during pregnancy and throughout our women’s lives that I consider it a tonic.

Lack of adequate calcium during pregnancy is associated with muscle cramps, back pain, high blood pressure, severe labor and delivery pain, osteoporosis, dental problems, and preeclampsia.

Calcium uptake is regulated by exercise, stress, acidity during digestion, the availability of vitamins C, A and especially D, and the availability of magnesium and phosphorus in the body and diet.

Getting 1000-2000 mg of calcium daily is not difficult with Wise Woman herbs:

The best sources of calcium for food are fish, dairy products, but there is controversy over the assimilation of calcium from pasteurized, homogenized milk.

My preferred food sources are goat’s milk and goat cheese, salmon, sardines, mackerel, seaweed (especially kelp), sesame salt (gomasio), Tahini, and dark leafy greens such as turnip, beetroot greens, and kale.

Calcium contains about 200 mg in two ounces of nuts (excluding peanuts), one ounce of dried seaweed, two ounces of locust bean powder, one ounce of cheese, half a cup of cooked greens (kale, pans and especially dandelion), half a cup of milk, three eggs, four ounces or one tablespoon of molasses.

Most wild greens are exceptionally rich in calcium and the factors needed for calcium absorption and utilization.

A quarter of lamb, mallow, galinsoga, shepherd’s purse, knotweed, bidens, amaranth and dandelion all leave more calcium per 100 grams than milk.

Bones dipped in apple cider vinegar release calcium into acidic vinegar.

A tablespoon of this vinegar in a glass of water needed calcium and also relieved morning sickness.

Many fruits are high in calcium (although they are not as rich as the foods above). Dried dates, fig rosin, plums, papaya and elderberries are the best source.

Raspberry leaf infusion contains calcium in its most equivalent form. Assimilation is further enhanced by the use of phosphorus and vitamins A and C in raspberry leaves.

Fresh parsley and watercress are available at most grocery stores year-round. They are both good sources of many minerals and vitamins, including calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Nettle infusion delivers calcium and phosphorus, vitamin A and vital vitamin D in an easily comparable form.

Foods that are believed to interfere with calcium absorption should be avoided: spinach, chocolate, rhubarb and brewer's yeast.

Do not use bone meal or oyster shell tablets as a source of extra calcium. They have been found to be high in lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic metals.


Foods to Avoid with Diabetes - Foods Not to Eat in Diabetes - Control Diabetes

Foods to Avoid with Diabetes - Foods Not to Eat in Diabetes - Control Diabetes

Foods to Avoid with Diabetes - Foods Not to Eat in Diabetes - Control Diabetes

In patients with diabetes, the mechanism that regulates blood sugar levels does not work properly. 


Dietary management is an important issue in this context, the absence of which causes blood sugar to reach uncontrollable levels. 

The doctor would give a clear explanation of what type of food a diabetic can eat and what he should strictly avoid. 

Those whose blood sugar levels are difficult to control must be extremely careful to follow a diabetic-friendly diet.

Taking fruits and vegetables in reasonable amounts is good for the body and provides the body with nutrients, minerals and dietary fiber. 

But some foods are known to aggravate the condition and must be avoided at all costs.

Sweets and Cakes: In all forms, these foods are not beneficial even for healthy people. So for diabetics, big ones do such foods help keep blood sugar levels at the desired level. 

Such foods are prepared by adding a lot of ingredients that are harmful to diabetics and, above all, it adds calories and leads to rapid weight gain.

Fried Products: Fried products are generally not recommended in society’s calorie awareness. Products fried with diabetics, rich in sodium, salt, saturated fats, etc., adversely affect the entire system. 

Most diabetics also develop hypertension later. Avoiding oily and fried foods reduces the risk to some extent.

Cream and Fats: The intake of creamy and fatty foods makes the situation uncontrollable for diabetics, and they are also high in fat. 

Butter, cheese, margarine, etc. belong to the category of creams and fats and are never recommended for diabetics.

Foods with a High Glycemic Index: Foods with a high glycemic index, needless to say, emphasize blood sugar quickly, and it is highly recommended for diabetics to avoid.

Such foods because it is essential for them to keep their blood sugar levels at optimal levels.

Refined Foods: Refined and processed foods are well known foods because they add extra calories and are not good for the digestive tract. Fiber-rich food is ideal for the human digestive tract. It is better for diabetics to refrain from refined foods.

Meat and Dairy: Meat and dairy products are not recommended for diabetics. Diabetics are already at risk for heart disease. 

Meat and dairy products high in saturated fats increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease quickly. 

Red meat is definitely to be avoided, but skinless chicken can be used from time to time.

Alcohol: The side effects of alcohol are very many, and it is better if diabetic patients withdraw from such temptations and avoid alcoholic beverages altogether.

Beverages: Caffeinated beverages, soda and other types of beverages are also not good for diabetics.

You can control diabetes for a lifetime by limiting or avoiding these foods. 

If you are looking for any natural remedy to control or reverse diabetes then do checkout program called "Deep Sleep Diabetes Remedy".

Or you can also control your diabetes just by avoid some green veggie which are causing diabetes type 2. So please stop eating them now and start diabetes free life.


5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight After 40 Without Dieting And Workout

5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight After 40 Without Dieting And Workout

5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight After 40 Without Dieting And Workout

Dieting is often thought of as a time of sacrifice and misery. When you hear the word diet odds are you think negatively, as in: "I can't eat that" or "I can't do that".


The word diet conjures up all sorts of images associated with depriving yourself and having to maintain a rigid exercise schedule, which is why many of us give up before we reach our weight loss goals. 

The defeatist attitude that accompanies the word diet sabotages the majority of us and needs to be changed. 

It's time for a new approach to weight loss that will motivate you. Yes, you need to make some sacrifices if you want to lose weight.

But you don't need to sacrifice everything, or even diet in the traditional sense. 

Here Are The Easiest Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting:

1. Don't Eat at Night: This is one of the easiest ways to cut calories and lose weight, yet most of us overlook it. 

Snacking at night is one of the worst habits you can have if you're trying to lose weight. 

It can add empty calories to your diet and not only prevent you from losing weight, but cause you to gain. 

We tend to eat foods high in fat and calories after dinner, like ice cream or potato chips and we usually do it sitting in front of the TV. 

This is a bad combination because TV distracts you, so you end up eating more. 

Make a point of choosing a time when your kitchen is closed ( no later than 7 P. M. is ideal) and then stick with it. 

You should always consider opting for healthy habits for weight loss.

2. Don't Drink Your Calories: This is another way to quickly cut calories without even noticing. 

Whether you're drinking soda or fruit juice they are both the same because they are full of sugar which can lead to excess weight gain. 

The worst part is your gaining weight and you're still hungry because drinks won't fill you up. 

Save your calories for your meals and learn to drink beverages with only a few calories. 

Try water, flavored water, seltzer or low calories vegetable juices. This applies to alcoholic beverages too. 

If you drink wine with your meals try to limit it to only the weekends, or cut down from 2 glasses to 1.

3. Add Protein to Your Diet: Adding foods like lean proteins to your diet will make you feel like you're not dieting even though you really are. 

Proteins make you feel full, so you're less likely to overeat or snack between meals. Add some protein to each meal to keep hunger at bay and keep you feeling satisfied.

Healthy proteins you can use include: low fat yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, beans, nuts and lean meats. 

Nuts and peanut butter both contain higher levels of fat and although it is healthy fat you should keep their portions small.

4. Control Your Environment: Simply put, keep your house stocked with good for you foods, not goodies. 

You can't eat cookies if they're not there. Fill your pantry with healthy foods you love or low calorie versions of the ones you can't live without. 

Sugar free Jell-o and puddings, as well as frozen yogurts are great to satisfy your sweet spot.

But even they can add weight if you eat too much so don't keep too many and buy individual serving sized packages to control portions. 

Also, if you're out at a party it's okay to indulge, just control it. For instance, if you're at a barbecue have a burger, but keep it at one. 

Also, wait at least 15 minutes before returning to the buffet table. You'll feel fuller and eat less.

5. Eat a Little Less: If you really didn't want to give up certain foods you don't have to: cut down on how much of it you eat and you can still lose considerable amount of weight. 

Now this doesn't hold true for snacks and desserts: if you eat cake every night you will not lose weight, but if you apply this rule to your regular meals it can make a big difference. 

For example: at dinner have only one bowl of pasta if you normally have two or eat a half a steak instead of a full one. You will slash calories and see results.

These simple tips will help you change your approach to weight loss and have more success. 

You can enjoy the foods you love and lose weight you just have to be smart about it. Moderation and a few simple adjustments can have you losing weight without even trying.

If you want to lose your weight more quickly then you should check "ProVen Weight Loss Program". 

Because with ProVen you can get results in quick time without doing workout and diet at home.

I have tried numerous diets over more than 3 decades and every one has ended up in failure. 

So naturally I was skeptical if taking ProVen would work for me But It definitely does! I'm on day 35 and have lost 25 pounds and the weight continues to melt away. 

ProVen is the easiest and most effective way I have found to lose that stubborn fat while simultaneously increasing my energy levels.

5 Easy Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy | Weight Loss After Pregnancy

5 Easy Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy | Weight Loss After Pregnancy


Having a baby can change your life in the same way that your shape. Is it possible to lose weight after pregnancy and get in good shape again? 

Yes you can! Having a baby doesn’t mean you have to be obese. Most new mothers can regain their character within 8-12 months by eating good food, exercising properly and leaving nature to do the rest.

However, do not be too impatient. You need to get pre-pregnancy as soon as possible. 

Caring for and taking care of your new baby can hinder your weight loss plans. 

Here are Some Tips to Help you Lose Weight after Pregnancy.

1. Breastfeeding can help new mothers lose weight after pregnancy. The breastfeeding process burns about 500 calories a day. 

So the longer you breastfeed, the more calories you burn. While this process can improve your weight loss, after you stop breastfeeding, you need to be careful about eating, otherwise you will lose weight.

2. Try to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. If you like drinks that are high in sugar, such as soft drinks, you need to replace them with water or squeezing fresh lemon. 

Drinking water is a good diet to help you cut hundreds of calories a day.

3. If you are preparing, start light exercise. You can start walking with your baby for 10-15 minutes daily and extend the time gradually, or else you will need to find easy ways to increase your exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the elevators.

4. Eating healthy food - It is not easy for new mothers to have to take care of their baby and find time or energy to eat properly. 

However, try to eat a variety of nutritious foods, your diet will be satisfactory. 

Some Tips when Choosing Food.

- Plan meals in advance
- Leave junk food and keep a healthy snack like raisins, popcorn and nuts.
- Choose simple food for quick and easy preparation.
- Lean meat provides protein and whole grains rich in fiber, try to eat them.

5. Be patient, forget about celebrity moms who lose weight right after pregnancy. 

Hollywood stars often have significant commercial commitments, so they need to lose weight faster after pregnancy than average women. 

Don’t act like them unless you do so under the supervision of a professional professional.

How long you can regain your pre-pregnancy weight depends on how much weight you have gained. 

You should start losing weight after 2-3 months when your strength is returning, but do not reach rapid weight loss. It should not lose more than one pound a week.

However, if you are looking for a good Soup Diet Program to help you lose 10-15 pounds in a short amount of time, then I highly recommend you to check "14 Days Rapid Soup Diet" to lose weight after pregnancy. 

Or if you want to follow any best and simple Keto Diet Plan to lose weight after your pregnancy at home without doing any workout then do checkout "Custom Keto Diet".

In the last if you find this article valuable then do share this information to others. So that they get this amazing tips to lose weight after pregnancy at home.

5 Effective Tips to Lose Weight for Over 50 Age | Over 50 Weight Loss Tips

5 Effective Tips to Lose Weight for Over 50 Age | Over 50 Weight Loss Tips


If you are over 50 and over weight at the same time, it is sure to cause several problems. 


First, it has a detrimental effect on your overall health; especially the heart. 

Second, you may have difficulty moving and continue to slow down. It can also have psychological problems; affects self-confidence, which is already declining with aging.

It is not impossible to lose weight no matter how old you are. Age is not an obstacle to effective weight loss. 

You should know the right methods and choose the right diet and exercise plan for your age and body type. 

Here are some helpful tips you can follow yourself from home to lose too much fat really fast.

1st Tip: Drink Lots Of Water - While everyone knows that water is the best weapon for weight loss; some people do not yet drink enough water. 

Increase water consumption to 6-8 glasses per day. This will help your body flush out toxins that prevent weight loss. 

Water helps increase metabolism, which is essential for losing excess body fat.

2nd Tip: Eat Small Portions Of Meals - Eat 5-6 small portions of meals a day instead of 3 main dishes. 

This would ease the workload of your liver and digestive tract and also help increase your metabolism. It would also be good for other health issues; according to age.

3rd Tip: Reduce Salt Intake - many overweight people eat too much salt. Salt is found in many frozen lunches, canned soups and spices. 

Avoiding pre-packaged foods as much as possible is the best way to remove excess salt from our food.

4th Tip: Proper Exercise - Long-term exercise is detrimental to losing weight. A recent Harvard study confirms this. Short-term, intense exercises are most effective, according to a Harvard study. 

We recommend running a little fast for 10-12 minutes and resting for the next 10 minutes. People with heart disease should contact their doctor before starting a sprint or running fast.

5th Tip: Don’t Eat When You Feel Negative - often people eat to avoid negative emotions or boredom. If you feel bored or negative, don’t eat until you feel that feeling completely. 

Feeling emotions completely is the most effective way to release its energy.

If you follow the tips above, you will definitely lose a considerable amount of excess weight pretty soon. 

That's it... But if you are looking for any weight loss program which really help you to lose weight after 50 age then do checkout program called "The Morning Fat Melter Program".

Just enter your information, and then, you will be given instant access to the entire "Morning Fat Melter Program" in 2 minutes from right now.


3 Best Diets For Losing Weight You Probably Never Knew Existed

3 Best Diets For Losing Weight You Probably Never Knew Existed

3 Best Diets For Losing Weight You Probably Never Knew Existed

If you are reading this article, chances are you will feel the anxiety that comes with diets, not because of the diet itself, but because of finding the right diet.


9 times out of 10 The most stressful part of any diet is to choose for yourself what to do. There are so many different diets that it can be an absolute minefield!

Don’t be afraid, I would like to share with you the 3 best weight loss diets, which will make your choice much simpler.

Below we have compiled a list of the 3 best diets for weight loss, all of which have proven to work and are all healthy options.

But I would like to start with the tip, in fact it is the biggest weight loss I know, it is simply this ...

"Hold on to it!"

That's it; there is no mystery, magic, incredibly complex algorithm, skill, or control! Once you’ve chosen the right diet method for you and more importantly you feel like you can achieve it, it’s simply up to it.

So let's look at the 3 best diets for weight loss! (These are not in any particular order, as all are very accessible methods for weight loss).

Diet Number 1.

Three Apple diets:

You’ve probably never heard of this, but let me tell you, it’s very effective. Why is it so effective? Mainly because of the water content of the apple and of course also the 5 grams of fiber it contains. All the foods you eat that are high in water and fiber are very good and very effective for weight loss.

So how does it work?

There are really only 2 rules you need to follow:

Rule 1: Before you eat any of your three main meals a day, you must eat one apple!

Yes, you can still have three meals a day and you still have all your favorite foods, as long as you like eating it 1 apple, not just 1 anymore! Obviously, the healthier you choose your food for your meals, the faster weight loss will show results.

Rule 2: Stick to Rule 1!

Remember the saying “Three apples a day to keep the weight off” and you simply can’t go wrong. This doesn’t mean you can go out to eat as many snacks as you want, better results include better and healthier snack choices. Combine these 3 apples with your daily diet and you’re well on your way.

If you are looking for any Keto Diet then i strongly recommended you to checkout "Custom Keto Diet Plan".


Diet Number 2.

Cabbage Soup Diet:

This is one of the best diets for weight loss and has been in use for years. There are many different versions, but the most powerful and simplest is this ...

Whenever you are hungry, eat a bowl of cabbage soup! This will not only satisfy you but also allow you to stay on a low calorie diet. One important thing to remember during a cabbage-soup diet is not to indulge in fatty or oily foods as they destroy calorie intake, try to stick to dietary fiber, leafy vegetables and fruits.

Remember: this is a low calorie diet, and it should stay that way.

If you are looking for any "Soup Diet" to lose belly fat then do checkout "14 Days Rapid Soup Diet" for weight loss.


Diet Number 3.

Detox diet:

This method of dieting is relatively new, but is becoming increasingly popular due to the rate of weight loss.

The results, like a 5-7 pound loss in two weeks, are pretty common, which is pretty incredible. 

But like many “craze” diets, as soon as you return to a normal eating habit, the weight recovers as quickly as it was lost.

How does it work?

The detox diet is simply a liquid diet, which is actually very similar to the popular Lemonade diet as well. 

It literally limits your calorie intake. In order for your body to cleanse and rid itself of all the harmful toxins in your body, you need to eat nutritious foods and antioxidants. 

Vitamin A may also play an important role in this type of diet, especially vitamin C, which has been shown to help with weight loss. 

They must also be low in fat and high in fiber. You will also find that because you eat these healthy foods, you will not gain weight again because you will not starve yourself. 

When your body starves for these essential nutrients, toxins are formed then. So fasting is not a good thing.

There are also additional benefits to this type of diet as it helps cleanse the skin and reduce fat and cellulite. 

It will also give you a better night’s sleep and more energy when you are awake. 

t significantly lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and gives your immune system power. 

If you are looking for any good "Detox Diet Program" then do checkout "Biotox Gold" that burns away stubborn Belly Fat and Detoxifies your Body.