5 Easy Ways to Stop Drinking Too Much | How to Stop Drinking Alcohol Naturally

5 Easy Ways to Stop Drinking Too Much | How to Stop Drinking Alcohol Naturally

In this article I am going to tell you the five best ways to stop drinking too much. Alright what I'm not telling you to never drink again.

 But I know, So many people out there struggle with alcohol it might be that you started with one glass of wine a night and now you're up to four and you wake up the next morning with a bit of a headache.

And you're feeling groggy and it's completely ruining your day that's not a perfect day and I know because you know back, when I was twenty five to twenty seven years old even I used to drink too much on the weekends.

And it actually caused me to have anxiety attacks and so I know how to stop drinking too much and I also know the negatives of spending too much time in the pubs and in the bar.

So you know, what a drink once in a while is okay but we know don't need to be drinking all the time.

Tip 1 : So here is step one it goes to something that we were taught by Jim Rohn and it is the you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

So if you spend time with people who are always getting drunk then you are always going to be getting drunk right you know.

So who are your five people, who are the five people in your life they're going to hold you to a higher standard, So let's think about this on Friday nights you are at the bar or you are doing something else because of your social relationships.

So if you're at the bar with your old college buddies and you're pounding beers guess what you're not going to have the strength to say no under that peer pressure and you're going to end up wasting another weekend.

But if you are out with people just having a nice dinner one or two glasses of wine socially you're going to have much greater conversation and you're going to limit your alcohol.

And you're going to be so much better off you're going to wake up fresh on Saturday morning and really take advantage of it.

So think about that and think about people that you respect and that you want to you know aspire to be like you know hang around them and have them make you play up a level in life.

So that is the first point that you want to go to and make sure you all starts with the people.

 Tip 2 : Second thing this is a little more practical but here it is it slowed down when you drink geez slow down now for most people that might be a problem.

Because if you were like me I used to drink these things called black Russians vodka and Kahlua and they were sweet and I have a sweet tooth and the next thing you know they go down really easy.

And I drank too fast not got me into problems and so you want to avoid drinking too much of your favorite drink too quickly and so that might mean ordering something that isn't exactly your favorite drink.

If you want to control yourself, So now sometimes I'll order a glass of just vodka on the rocks or tequila on the rocks it doesn't taste that great and I slow down and I realize you know what I don't need to drink that much to take the edge off which is in most cases.

All you need, So slow it down find a way to slow down your drinking especially if you were like the young you know college Cregg and you used to drink a lot of beers on a Saturday night.

And remember no drinking games okay those are the worst thing for you alright next we're going to make a rule of one drink and one bottle of water or one glass of water okay.

Tip 3 : So we are alternating between alcohol and water now this is a pretty obvious tip but it's a really good idea that way you drink less and you stay hydrated and you're not going to feel that bad the next morning.

 Tip 4 :  Fourth rule we're going to get accountability from somebody and we're going to tell them and we're going to make sure that we hold ourselves to the standard that we limit ourselves to a certain number of drinks a limit.

Hey I'm going to go out with Bobbi this weekend but listen mark I want to you to know that I'm only going to have three drinks, I promise you if you see me because I know you're coming out later.

If you see me and I've had more than three drinks, I owe you a hundred bucks you know put down some type of punishment serious consequences here to your accountability partner.

This is what I do I actually made a promise years ago that I no longer curse and so when I swear and I sometimes still do.

I actually have to give away $100, it's not hurt and that really reminds me it catches me right before I curse.

So that I don't do it, so you have to have consequences you have to have accountability and you have to have that rule and you have to make it known all right. So that's your fourth rule so your fourth tip.

 Tip 5 : Now five we are going to schedule something in the morning the next morning an a.m. activity.

So if you're going out Friday night make sure that you have something scheduled for 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock the next morning you know you got to go rock climbing or mountain.

Mountain biking or something like that with other people who will be very disappointed in you if you don't show up that's going to stop you from going overboard.

So listen just follow these five simple things hanging around people that don't drink all the time or that don't make drinking into a game that will help.

Yes slow down when you drink, you know you have to order something different do it in order to not drink too much then make sure that you alternate between alcohol and a bottle of water.

That will slow you down that will give you the hydration that you need then put that drink limit tell it to the world get up accountability and have consequences for going over it.

And then finally make the activity schedule, the next day is really going to help you avoid overdoing it because all night long and thinking.

I got to get up tomorrow I got to get up tomorrow I got to get up tomorrow I know that doesn't always work from experience but in most cases it will especially if you don't want to disappoint those other people.

So that is the perfect plan for drinking less not too much and not at all but drinking just the right amount.

So that you still have perfect days the next day and you have productivity and progress in every area of your life.

So I'm pretty balanced on from early to rise calm a reformed drinker a guy who knows that these works by experience and listen you know I'm not here to say never drink again.

I have a drink once in a while but I can tell you from experience that I'm getting, so much more done in my life and really I enjoy my fresh Saturday and Sunday mornings.

When I'm not hungover, so listen it'll really do your world good for your health for your relationships you just turn down the drinking a little bit alright.

So these are the five tips to stop drinking and if you want to join any good program then : CLICK HERE

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