Lose Belly Fat Overnight While Sleeping | Best Way to Burn Fat While Asleep Fast

Lose Belly Fat Overnight While Sleeping | Best Way to Burn Fat While Asleep Fast

Is it possible to burn fat while you sleep…?

Yes it's definitely possible to burn fat while you sleep and I'm going to give you a couple tips that can help increase the amount of fat that you burn while asleep.

However I don't want you to think that sleeping is going to become your fat-burning solution because sleeping alone will definitely not be a major contributor to the fat loss process.

The tips that I provide will help increase the quality of your sleep and in turn will help increase the amount of fat that you burn while you sleep.

But make no mistake you're always going to be burning way more fat when you're awake when you're awake your body has to work harder just to stay awake.

So you're always going to be burning more calories, when you're awake versus when you're asleep even if you're just sitting there twiddling your thumbs you're going to be burning more calories.

Than when you're asleep with that being said if you get adequate enough sleep throughout the week you'll be sleeping over 50 hours.

And we want to make every one of those hours count towards fat loss so the first thing you can do to ensure that you're burning the maximum amount of calories while you're sleeping is get enough sleep to begin with the most common recommendation is to try to get eight hours of sleep.

However a lot of people have a tough time doing that either because of work or other responsibilities to your family you're not able to get the full eight hours of sleep.

Some would recommend that you need even more like 9 hours of sleep but at very minimum I recommend that you get at least 6 hours of sleep a night.

It's important that your goal is to shoot for the eight hours of sleep but when you can't you got to get at least 6 there have been weight loss studies done.

Where they've separated two groups of people and one group of people got their sleep whereas the other group did not get their sleep.

What they found was that both groups lost the same amount of weight however the group that didn't get its sleep ended up losing a bunch of muscle.

So that means that the group that did get its sleep ended up losing a lot more fat this could be due to a number of different factors including optimal hormone production.

When you get enough sleep also better more intense workouts from being well-rested and much better muscle recovery leading to increased muscle mass.

This means that all the opposite is true for not getting enough sleep when you don't get enough sleep you could even lose muscle mass your hormones are going to be all messed up.

Especially if you're not getting enough sleep again and again and again your leptin levels will go down and your ground levels will go up.

Which is going to make you hungrier throughout the day and obviously that's not going to help you lose any body fat and the last thing that's going to happen.

If you don't get enough sleep is that your performance in the gym will obviously suffer so just make sure you're trying your absolute best to get an average of eight hours of sleep per day.

The next thing you could do to burn more fat while you sleep is have a high protein healthy fat meal right before bed a lot of people get hungry right before bed.

And rather than me telling you to ignore it because that's easier said than done you should satisfy that hunger with a high protein meal or a protein shake with a slow digesting protein.

Such as casein not only will this take the edge off of your hunger but it'll also help you build more muscle while you sleep and boost your metabolism during the digestion process.

The healthy fats will further slow the digestion of that meal increasing the length of time that you're at an increased level of burning calories while you're sleeping you can do this with fat and protein.

But just make sure you're not having carbs right before bed because carbs are your body's preferred source of energy so it's going to use those carbs and might even store those carbs.

If you're having them right before bed rather than using stored body fat when trying to lose body fat I recommend that you cut out all carbohydrates five to six hours.

Before bed so eliminate all carbs except for green vegetables this way your body will be a lot more inclined to choose from fat stores for energy.

While you're sleeping the last two tips that I can give you is sleep in total darkness and sleep in a cooler environment.

Sleeping in total darkness has been shown to release a hormone called melatonin that can help increase the production of calorie-burning brown fat.

And as far as sleeping in colder temperatures it's been shown in multiple studies that just by turning your thermostat down to 66 degrees you could burn significantly more fat.