How to Lose Fat Fast with these Simple Daily Adjustments

How to Lose Fat Fast with these Simple Daily Adjustments

If you want to take a fresh approach to lose weight or belly fat, brace yourself. 

Because we’re going to dive right in here and hit you with some punchy science talk. 
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or neat for short, are the calories that we burn from activity other than intentional exercise. 
For most people, this is the largest part of their daily activity – and the easiest type of activity to increase.
In short, you can melt away fat and improve fitness and physique by shifting your attention away from exercise for a moment and focusing on all of the other stuff that burns calories during the day.
“Your energy balance is the balance between the energy (calories) you consume and the energy (calories) you expend. 

Weight gain occurs when consumption exceeds expenditure. 

Weight loss occurs when expenditure exceeds consumption. 

It’s really that simple,” explains Don Graham, Head of Fitness Coaching at Goal Master Fitness.

Some people believe that an hour a day on a treadmill is the best way to lose weight.  

There is no doubt that an hour on a treadmill will burn calories - on average 500 to 750 calories depending primarily on your weight and the intensity of exercise. 

But, for most people, spending an hour on a treadmill is tedious, unpleasant, boring and difficult.  

And most people overestimate the number of calories they burn performing intentional exercise.

“For most people, 70 per cent or more of the calories burned each day are the calories burned at rest, up to 10 per cent of the calories we burn is the thermic effect of food and people who exercise a lot typically do not burn more than 10 per cent of their daily calories performing intentional exercise.

That leaves another 10 to 20 per cent of calories,” says Don.
“If you want to increase the energy you expend - or the calories you burn, in other words - it is physically and psychologically easier to increase NEAT than to jump on a treadmill. NEAT can add up quickly,” he says.
Just a few small adjustments to your daily routine can have a massive impact on the amount of calories you can burn in an average day. 

Of course, intentional exercise is still an excellent way to achieve the body of your dreams, but throw a few of these suggestions in and witness even faster results.

Take the Stairs :

You’ve heard this one before, but have you actually committed to it? Climbing just two flights of stairs burns between 5-10 calories depending on your weight, speed and the number of stairs per flight. 
Make this relatively tiny effort every day and, all things being equal (being at a steady weight, no increase or decrease in calorie intake or expenditure elsewhere), this could result in a pound of fat loss in a year’s time. 
Now imagine how much you could lose if you use stairs instead of lifts all the time.

Adjust the Commute :

Getting off public transport one stop earlier to walk the remaining distance may delay your commute but it’ll expedite your fitness journey. 

Yes, like taking the stairs, this is another old chestnut, but they both actually work. 

This is because, instead of requiring you to take up a completely new activity, they combine something you already do with something you don’t. 

This makes embedding a new habit much more likely to happen.