8 Best Foods for Pregnant Women | Foods to Eat When You're Pregnant

8 Best Foods for Pregnant Women | Foods to Eat When You're Pregnant 

Pregnancy is the period of every women when her child is developing and during this time maintaining health is very important.

Both mother and baby needs additional nutrients vitamins and minerals. And sometime mother wish to taste spicy things which could dangerous for health.

During all they workout undressed every pregnant woman needs 350–500 extra calories and more vitamins through natural foods and vegetables.

Sometimes birth complication occurs when women did not take serious about her health and this will increase the risk of gestational diabetes and pregnancy complications.

There are about 30 nutritional foods available in every home and stores which are beneficial for both mother and babies.

1. Dairy Products :

Dairy products which includes milk butter eggs and many other nutritional things which are rich in protein and Calcium.

These dairy products can fulfill the needs of nourishment food and energy to growing fetus.

Milk is the biggest source of two types of highly rich protein named casein and whey they provide a very high much amount of phosphorus very others vitamins like vitamins B magnesium and Zinc.
Yogurt (دہی) is the most beneficial things for pregnant women and almost present in every houses and hotels in Pakistan. 

Doctors suggest yoghurt rather than other Dairy Milk because these types of food contain more calcium than others because they contain many useful bacteria which can help a pregnant woman to sport digestive health.

 2. Legumes :

There are many types of Legumes available in market like beans soybeans peanuts and peas etc.
For baby these types of Legumes are more useful and excellent because these are rich in proteins fibers Iron and Calcium. 

During the first trimester mother and baby needs more calories and vitamins for this Folate (Folic Acid) is the biggest source of vitamin B.

Deficiency of these folate and insufficient intake will cost for both child and mother and make babies prone to infection and may cause disease in later life.

3. Sweet Potatoes :

For the health of fetal development it is very necessary to give mother vitamin A which has a parity to differentiate cells and tissues sweet potatoes are the main source of vitamin A.

Some doctors suggest pregnant women according to their exam in this suggest to take vitamin A near about 10 to 14%. This ratio is different from one women to another.

It is advised not to take any animal based source of Vitamins because they are very toxic and contain more toxicity than other compounds and foods.

4. Eggs :

Eggs are the power bank of nutrients as they are the ultimate health food with consists of different types of calories and vitamins.

Approximately 77 calories are present in large egg and also high quality proteins and fats. Eggs are the great source of vitamins minerals and Choline which are the essential source source to grow your baby effectively with bed and tissue development.

Choline which are present in Eggs have many importance as according to us survey about 90% of people consumed Choline and used eggs everyday.

During pregnancy it is important to take Choline as of no intake of Choline main risk the baby health and decrease brain function in the fetus.

5. Broccoli and Leafy Greens Vegetables :

With the needs of other minerals fibres and vitamins are also very important for pregnant women there are some list of green vegetables can be available install which are highly rich in these vitamins and iron.

These are
  • ·         Kale
  • ·         Spinach
  • ·         Broccoli
  • ·         leafy Green

These types of green vegetables contains many new trance like Vitamin C K and e also includes calcium iron potassium and folate.

These leafy Greens and broccoli sharpen immune system and digestive system as they contain antioxidants chemicals which improve  both mother and baby health.

6. Lean Meat :

During pregnant women need much more iron in blood for this beef chickens are the main source of protein. Beef are rich in choline and other B vitamins the increase red blood cells in blood as a part of hemoglobin.

With the deficiency of minerals and vitamins can cause problem also low level of iron may cause iron deficiency diseases like anemia during mid pregnancy they also can cause the problem of premature delivery at low birth weight.

7. Water :

Water is the most essential thing during pregnancy as can pregnant women use many minerals and vitamins including ions and other stuffs blood volume also increased up to 1.5 litres.

Therefore it is very necessary to keep pregnant women hydrated as the babysitters did not know how much water he need.

Sometimes dehydration cause many health problem like head it is anxiety brightness and other memory condition problems which can be faced by mother in early stages of pregnancy.

8. Dried Fruit :

Dried foods which are very common free in northern mountaineer areas where many peoples in stores and Bazaar selling dried fruit they are actually rich in Calories and fibers and other useful vitamins and minerals.

Dates are also fiber rich dried food which contain potassium and iron . During the third stage of pregnancy they are very useful to reduce the need of induce labour.

As they are rich in minerals and natural sugar please give dried food which are less sugar contain.