4 Simple Tips to Lose Weight and Belly Fat While You Sleep

4 Simple Tips to Lose Weight and Belly Fat While You Sleep

Where do you think is the best place to lose body weight, the gym, on the tracks, in the kitchen, if you answered yes to any of the answers above.

You are wrong a new breakthrough scientific study now tells us about a very unsuspecting and easy way to lose body fat and I'm here to tell you all about it.

Now let's go a new scientific study reveals that achieving sustainable weight loss can be done by achieving excellence in the bedroom.

I'm not talking about lovemaking skills you cannot love make yourself into a slender body but you can most certainly sleep your way into a slim and trim body.

Tip 1 : Turn off the lights yes turn them off completely exposure to light is counterproductive to weight loss it doesn't just interrupt your chances of a good night's sleep.

According to reputable medical journals like the American Journal of Epidemiology keeping the lights on actually causes you to gain weight according to the study people who sleep with the lights on our 21 percent.

More likely to be obese, so the next time you hit the bed make sure the lights are completely out to turn the air conditioner all the way up a striking.

Tip 2 : New study published in the Journal of diabetes suggests that simply blasting the air conditioner or turning down the heat in winter may help you attack belly fat while you sleep.

It is no secret that the fat in our bodies helps keeps us warm in cool temperatures, so the cooler you are the more fat your body needs to burn to keep you warm this is according to a study done by the Journal of diabetes.

So make sure you reduce the heat during the winter and keep the air conditioner turned up during the summer.

Tip 3 : Remove the phones, iPads, television and computers from the room researchers suggest that the more electronic gadgets we bring into the bedroom the more likely we are to get fat this is especially true with children.

The pediatric obesity Journal the kids who bask in the nighttime glow of a TV or computer don't get enough rest and suffered from poor lifestyle habits researchers found that students with access to one electronic device in the bedroom were more likely to be overweight.

Compared with kids who had no devices in the bedroom the next time you or your kids are going to bed make sure your takeaway all the iPads cell phones and other electronic gadgets this will not only help them get a good night's sleep.

Tip 4 : It will help them to lose weight for infuse your room with mint certain scents can make your mouth water and others can actually suppress your appetite.

A study published in the Journal of neurological and orthopedic medicine found that people who sniff peppermint every two hours lost an average of five pounds a month banana green apple and vanilla had similar effects.

Consider burning a mindy candle until you head to bed this will fill the room with slimming smells if you don't want to bother with blowing out candles.

Before you turn down the covers try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your pillow…